Grove of the Gourd Dwarf


Printed pdf from Itch. Ran for tabletop neophytes in person. First module ran. If part of a campaign, I would have probably spent more time with NPCs, determined where they are based on job descriptions and tracked that loosely. Could have made the asteroid feel more ā€œaliveā€ instead of already shut down, perhaps. Easy to read and run at a glance. Converted for 1e on the fly.

Survive: 3 of 4 PCs. Jooster Lark sacrificed herself to lure the creature out and activated the self-destruct sequence while the rest of the team escaped with survivors. Solve: The players had some mistaken assumptions about the nature of the yellow goo but no-one was infected by it. Save: Four NPC deaths. So, they saved a handful of people.

Grasp on rules improving. Memorising relevant PSG pages for easy reference. Wish it were indexed. One panic. Should have pressed Stress further. Each time a player is informed of a new victim for the alien, I should have added a stress. Wounds are flavourful and easy enough to interpret on the fly - Table provides strong suggestions. Androids must be defined for players ahead of time. Difficult to do in pick-up games. If my upcoming on-line anthology series becomes regular, I will include it in the setting details. New players grasped the skills system quickly, tho attempting to talk to a cat using ā€œLinguisticsā€ is a stretch. I did not allow it.