Grove of the Gourd Dwarf

ASE Session Report (in character)

Yo! Im Herzgrau Mauler. Everyone calls me Mauler. Im a Dober-Man, a cleric. That means I am like a dog man and I worship cutlery. So, I went into a crazy place in a cave with some guys I barely know. One minute youre worshipping cutlery, the next youre plunging some abandoned research whatsit with robots and we're just demolishing giant statues and grabbing trezsh. I spent most of my time just struggling to familiarize myself with the location and fight for my life where necessary. But I gotta say, I saw a lotta things that were way cooler than forks and knives. Plus I dont even know and spells yet. And fighters are way better at fighting than clerics! You know, growing up I always wanted to be a thug and this is my chance. I think Im going to pick up a hammer and abandon the ways of Wurgol. Gotta follow my nose!

It felt good to play an RPG again. Even tho I was mostly vibing in a support role as a L1 cleric I still put my character at reasonable risk and we reaped some rewards. ASE is an interesting module thus far, too bad I missed the intro. I remember hearing there's a lot outside the dungeon. But I dont know about that as of this writing. Anyway basically this session report sucks but we get 150xp for writing them and I will do better next time.
