Grove of the Gourd Dwarf

Alone in the Deep

On Saturday I ran Alone in the Deep by S. Murphy games for my housemates. They had fun. I had fun. A success, overall. I made a few mistakes, however. First, I should have had the captain of the submarine be more adversarial to the players. I was too passive with how I handled NPCs. When the marine took command, I should have had the captain take umbrage with it. A weakness that will need time to address. The second mistake I made was in how I ran the horrors. A horror in Mothership is supposed to be a boss fight. I had trouble conceiving of how an eel would fight, honestly. I shouldnt have let the marine grab one for any length of time and it should have lashed violently, biting him each turn he did grab it and damaging his suit. I will try to rectify this next time I run.

Survive: All players survived. Solve: The players had no idea what was going on. They didnt even make it to the lab. Save: They also saved two crew. I had to remind them they had their own air supply in their vac suits so the crew could use the oxygen in the escape pod.

This was an all-right module. I dont think its air-tight in its execution, however. It requires some suspension of disbelief that the submarine wouldnt collapse under pressure as water floods in. Maybe I could have said it was in the process of resurfacing when shit started hitting the fan, this actually makes enough sense. I think its weird that the lab is past the engine room. It requires a d8 and 2d4, which I dont mind but some might. I dont think MoSh authors should be loyal to the d5/d10/d100 for procedures.

I could have improved the game by giving the scientist a secondary objective of saving their superior's research.

Turns out I made the enemy stronger for no reason. I thought it doing 2d6 damage was a weird thing from 0e, but its just a weird thing from this module. I increased the d6 to a d10